
Video chat!

Ultimate experience seeing the face of your opponent
Would just turn lichess into a sausage fest like omegle. So, no thanks.
Bruh, any sausages can be blocked away by neural network
No thanks. Lichess isn't a communications network. This isn't Facetime, my friend.
@bobazu said in #1:
> Ultimate experience seeing the face of your opponent

Could be a a real encounter to all these trolls out there. Then again, why should I enlight these people with the anger their play evokes? Also, speaking of which trolls, who would prevent your opponent from just shit-chatting you during intense games or important moments of the game... or even the whole game?

Moreover I don't think lichess' servers are ready for this. Imagine that massive ping!
All in all I am open to innovation, but some things should stay as they are. At least for now.
Indeed @airfloo, the load on the servers will be large, didn't thought about it.
Sure this can be arranged with payment, but it is unlikely that many will like and support the idea.
Actually who needs a broadcast can use some specialized service, like they already do.
The idea was to see opponent's reaction when they win/lose the game. However, looking on some live chess broadcast most of the winning and loosing is made with the poker-face, so it won't be much of a spectacle or something mentionable.

Now I agree that this entertainment most probably will not be worth the effort, and I changed my mind and don't like the idea for now.
@bobazu said in #6:
> Now I agree that this entertainment most probably will not be worth the effort, and I changed my mind and don't like the idea for now.

You could try OTB instead...

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