
No limit for team messages!

In my opinion, there should be no limit to the number of team messages for team leaders! The limit must be lifted!
If a team leader spams his own team, it's his own fault!
What do you think?
well it was put in place BECAUSE some immature team leaders loved spamming team messages

it's not just the annoyance to people but also the abuse of infrastructure
Why do sensible team leaders have to suffer because of a few fools who only harm their team and the annoyed members then leave the team?
In my opinion 7 team messages per week (one daily) are enough, as team leaders can on top:
- advertise multiple things in one message and even send quite long details with links etc.
- use the team forums additionally
- make use of the team descriptions, advertise things there as well
- if not enough, use all kinds of social media (let's say for example on Discord with pings or in WhatsApp / Facebook groups) to "spam" / advertize as often as they want on top

From a team leader's perspective I understand that something might feel super important, however from team members perspective I doubt that they see it with the same enthusiasm :-)
@Oli149 said in #3:
> Why do sensible team leaders have to suffer

well, they don't have to suffer. sensible team leaders send less than 7 messages per week. if the limit is a problem for you, then you are not a sensible team leader.
Am a team leader too, but I don't really support the the facility of unlimited messages however as a team leader I send one message per day to invite my team for team battles or any other tournaments but I've always noticed that I cannot message everyday, I have to skip a day cause I don't have more messages and wait till next day, even if am messaging only once a day? @jeffforever As a leader , I request to have minimum 8 messages per week.

Not to offend anyone, it's just my opinion
@Syeda_Faiza Once you joined a tournament or team battle as a team leader, all your team members can already see the tournament on their homepage with a big blue button on the top left. I think Lichess already gives so many tools for organizers, it's more than one can ask for. And usually you know which events are important and when you should send the PM to all then after some time.
@jeffforever said in #7:
> @Syeda_Faiza Once you joined a tournament or team battle as a team leader, all your team members can already see the tournament on their homepage with a big blue button on the top left. I think Lichess already gives so many tools for organizers, it's more than one can ask for. And usually you know which events are important and when you should send the PM to all then after some time.

I truly appreciate Lichess and the hardwork they do behind it everyday to help us go through a better and exciting experience. Maybe I was wrong here but just giving out my opinion
@Oli149 Whenever i join teams i turn off subscribe to team messages instantly because of the people who spammed it or did it for nothing. Plus have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf. Well if you send multiple messages every day to everyone eventually no one will come.
Im also a leader in a team and i think team messages should be lifted to 10 max. Its also annoying te receive a lot of those messages (especially if you are in a lot of teams) but sometimes those messages are more important than you think. That is why we send them.

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