

Guess how many reports OP have sent. I'll give you a hint, it's less than one.
I'm just a happy-as-a-clam user.
No different than the 10s of 1000s of others here at Lichess.
Most of us don't troll the forums regularly.
Most of us just play all day and are busy taking this awesome spot for granted.

I don't want to overstep or anything like that.
I'm actually rarely in these forums.
So this is just a simple suggestion.
Take it.
Leave it.
Do what you want with it.


I'm coming from a spirit of thoughtful care and concern when I make the following suggestion:

1. Any time someone exaggerates the issue of cheating, without mentioning Lichess' anti-cheat efficacy, they should be permanently muzzled. If they want to write a letter of apology and appeal, maybe that could be considered.

2. Any time someone denies the efficacy of the Lichess anti-cheat team, they should be permanently muzzled. If they want to write a letter of apology and appeal, maybe that could be considered.


"I don't like that some people cheat." - Truth Allowed
"I don't like that everyone cheats." - Lies Not Allowed

"I don't like that everyone cheats, but at least Lichess does a great job stopping most of the cheaters." - Half-Truth Allowed.

"Lichess allows cheaters." - Lies Not Allowed





...I can testify that no less than several hours have been invested into having my reports investigated and the cheaters banned.

About 80% of the time the person is banned within days/hours/minutes; and, sometimes they investigate and decide that they don't have enough proof.

***Either way, Lichess has plural hours invested JUST ON MY BEHALF.***

Anything that counters this factual and accurate representation of reality, is slanderous, lying, antagonistic, and should be immediately muzzled.


In fact, EVEN IF one of the 20% that I reported wasn't banned, the idea of blurting out animus about the anti-cheat team's judgment, would be completely out of the question.

There is *NO* reason for *ANY* kind of slack-talk to be entertained regarding the anti-cheat efficacy here at Lichess.


Let's leave everyone's suspicion level to the 1 in 150 people that they play where something maybe seemed a little bit off...instead of having their suspicion raised by the daily accusations of "everyone cheats" and "admins do nothing" that they come across in the forums almost every single day.

With only 1 in 150 people cheating, the topic matter should not be on the forefront of anyone's mind.

It's these imbeciles, right here in the forums, that are responsible for most of it's visibility and for most of the increase in cheating.


It is not theory or fanciful thinking to understand that many people who otherwise would never have cheated, started to cheat for no other reason than all of this exaggerated and lying loose talk about the matter.

I've read the testimonies with my own two eyes.

"I didn't want to be preyed on by cheaters, so I started cheating too." - A cheater's testimony ca. 2005

"Once I started, I couldn't stop." - A cheater's testimony ca. 2005


Question: Was this statement made because they thought that 1 out of the last 150 opponents cheated? Or is it more likely that this statement was made because this person visited a forum about online cheating, and read page after page after page of lie after lie after lie?

Answer: We can't actually know the answer to the question. But we can control for the very real possibility that it wasn't the 99.33% of the honest players that made this person sell their soul, and that it was loose talk, from idiot-sandwiches, that started certain synapses firing along the lines of finding excuses to start cheating, like, "Can't beat 'em? Join 'em!" or "I just want to see if people are being honest."


Like I say, I won't be back to the forums for a while. 99% of my time here is spent in-game.
So this is just a simple assessment of the matter, with Lichess as the focus, with the health of online chess as the focus, and with my own interests as a vested member of this community as the focus.

I understand that it's nothing but more work, but at the same time, every time one of these clowns posts, one of the admins take time to come comment and defend themselves why not just muzzle/ban/delete in the same time it takes to post a literary defense?

It would save time.
It would mitigate cheating by reducing the visibility and exaggerated suspicion.
It would feel good to do.


If I'm sitting there dedicating HOURS of my time making sure that ONE member can have a cheat free environment, it would feel EXCELLENT to muzzle some sandwich talking about how, I "don't care" and I "don't do my job" and I'm "incompetent".


Anyway. This has taken up enough time.
Thank you for your time.



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