

No draw was made although 3x repitition... lost because of this
Do you have set the settings so that lichess automaticly draws the game?
Because if you don't your opponant might have already made its move.
<Comment deleted by user>

Your last game was drawn by 3 fold repetition. What game are you referring to?

After white moves, 32, 36 and 38 are identical.
@dfuchs said in #2:
> Do you have set the settings so that lichess automaticly draws the game?

dfuchs is getting at the fact that the rules say a 5-fold repetition ends the game. After a 3-fold repetition, either player has the option to end the game, but doesn't have to. Lichess has a setting where you can specify you want to exercise that option on every opportunity ("Claim draw on threefold repetition automatically"). Do you have that set the way you want?

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