
am i being mean for turning takebacks off?

In the event of a true mouselip, you should offer ur opponent a draw instead of giving takebacks-----Magnus Carlsen vs Ian Nepo where carlsen blundered queen due to mouseslip and resigned though nepo would have offered a draw
I have takebacks turned off for rated games. When I had them turned on, I only requested them for true mouse-slips (not for whatever blunder that I noticed immediately upon moving), and 90% of the time or more they were declined, while I granted them far more often than that. That's a losing formula right there, so now it's casual only. Don't even want to see the request.

Besides, when I was getting takeback requests claiming it was a mouse-slip, often it clearly was NOT but rather a blunder. You don't mouse-slip Q from f6 to c6, request a takeback, and then play Q from f6 to g6 instead. That wasn't a mouse-slip, you just didn't see that I had Bb5 pinning your Q to the K while protected by my N on c3. (I use this specific example because I've encountered it more than once with people who play the Scandi not knowing what they're doing.)
"Mean" is a strong word. It's a game and you have the right to act about takeback as you feel comfortable.

I never ask for a takeback and I gave one times a takeback and felt unconfortable about it. The main reason in a direct speech:

"Hey. You're not responsible for your actions. So I give you a takeback. To hide this attitude from myself I call it sociable or similar. I know else you will be hurt by the loss of a chess game. And I know now you don't be strong enough to stand this without protesting."
How on earth did he keep that rating, giving takebacks...?
I remember one time I was playing in a online tournament. I accidentally made a "obvious mouseslip". My opponent was kind enough to not take advantage of it.

What goes around comes around :-)
As far as I understand it, the takeback facility's primary use is for stopping a mouse slip ruining a good battle.

It really is just personal choice and I couldn't fault you for turning it off as I suspect most likely it'll be used by ultra competitive players to beg for a second chance (see below).
I've requested one once because of a mouse slip that hung the queen and it was declined and the queen was taken.

Likewise in a 3+2 blitz game my opponent left his queen en prise and fairly quickly requested a take back. I granted it because winning via an opponent's mouse slip is pretty lame even if justified and I was slightly behind in the game and wanted to win the hard way. However he/she then spent ten more seconds to make a less blunderous move and at that point I realised I'd been 'had'. Had I known it wasn't a mouse slip then tough luck I'd have said, of course in a blitz game there's little chance for chatter and what have you so I just gave benefit of the doubt.
My opponent went on to win that game.

I'll still give takebacks, shame to let a silly mouse slip fog up a perfectly good game.

On a side note I see this CAPTCHA is asking me how many boats I can see on A1. I once saw a camper van with an inflatable dinghy on the top pull into South Mimms services but I don't think I need count that. I'll put zero and hopefully it'll let me post.
When im playing and mouseslip, i always offer a takeback
if my opponent accepts it i will just play until the end and resign no matter who is winning because my opponent deserves a win for doing more than he needed to

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