
What do you think of Anatoly Karpov's statement?

@Cassiodorus1 Perfectly true. I'm wondering since many decades now if there are really only these two partys that you can vote in the USA. The Democrats or the Republicans? I never heard of any other party in the USA! Are there any?
The uniparty in the USA latest scheme involves laundering money in Ukraine. Two wings, same old money, same bird.
@philodendron68 said in #26:
> @Whitsellf and @MDA22 Why do so many people write that the USA elected a dementia patient?! Only because Joe Biden is already 79 years old and had an opponent who simply couldn't be elected again by all voters with a brain? That's an insult not only against the acting American President, but also against most old people... Who would be a better American president then? Since I do not live in the USA, but you do, @Whitsellf, you seem to know someone who is more suited for this post. I'm curious about the next USA election.

That is faulty logic. Not all old people have dementia, but Biden clearly does. My parents are old but still can make coherent sentences and are quite able to interact with people without a teleprompter. That is unfortunately not the case for our president, and we all knew that prior to the election. There were endless videos proving this. In terms of who is more suited, I think American history shows that anytime we get an someone who was a lawyer (or from the legal field) as president or other elected office it goes quite poorly. Pretty much anyone else preforms much better. Voting for people with experience in running successful businesses (prior to being elected) tends to produce the best leaders. 90% of running a country is after all managing the economics. If there is food, water, energy, and people have disposable income things tend to go well.

Conversely, people who spend the greater portion of their lives making a living off the misery of others (lawyers) tend to not factor in the general publics needs and make policy purely on filtering special project funds to their friends and family much as possible. Also it is not true that we only get an A or B choice. The primaries always give people the ability to vote each party's representatives. The fact that our citizens are lazy and do not usually show up to vote in the primaries is another sign of their complacency and why the general citizen is actually responsible these tragedies.
@Whitsellf said in #33:

Most things you said are spot on. Congrats! If just everyone would read this and understand this.
@LegendaryQueen said in #35:
> Whoa....
> Little off topic, aren't we?
Perhaps people should try to be more "forward thinking" when creating the topic, to ensure that it applies to what will be discussed.
I have to be honest. I don't understand his statement.

What is he even talking about?
@loverofvirtue said in #37:
> I have to be honest. I don't understand his statement.
> What is he even talking about?
It wasn't meant to be taken literally. Thought I'd try lighten the mood because, you know, politics.
@Whitsellf Hmm... in your comment # 33 you argue that 'voting for people with experience in running successful businesses (prior to being elected) tend to produce the best leaders.'
Donald Trump was a successful businessman. But you certainly don't mean him as having been a good President for the United States, like you you already wrote in your comment #23. There you call him as 'the person we personally hated.' At least in this point I agree with you.
@LegendaryQueen is also right in her comment #35. We are running off topic.
ive only been half listening to a 30min documentary over coffee, but trump wasnt a successful businessman for all i know.
didnt he run pyramid schemes and when they broke down used corrupt officials to get away without punishment and even embezzle public money to save his sorry "businesses"?
i doubt it really got so out of hand that it was a "too big to fail" scenario as some try to describe it. you can always pull the plug and live with the consequences. my suspicions are he extorted people that he invited for coke and escorts previously and favors were pulled by inidividuals with influence.
funny add:
>In the three weeks before the 2016 election, he tweeted "Drain the swamp" 79 times

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