
Corrupt-a-wish Game

Wish granted, you win, you'll get a medal, a lichess trophy, but for the rest of you life, whatever you do, you'll lose.

I wish I was a better dancer.
You're a better dancer, but unfortunately your dancing is so lit you accidentally burn the whole place down and are fired (pun not intended) for being too skilled.

I wish for infinite wishes! (NAILED IT)

Each and every half-second a new wish comes to your mind, but none of them are granted. You become bitter and frustrated, but you're so blinded by hate that you can't even ask yourself about the manufacture of desire.

(Yes, i'm recycling #39, which makes your wish the easiest one to corrupt, and your poor try to achieve your goal, which is to close that thread by any means, like you did with "story game 3", a fail. And by the way, i love when the masks fall. Thank you very much!, you are helpful, for once, but unintentionally, of course. Unless you change your mindset, i think you should stop posting in that thread. Do think about it.)

I wish for a good sleep.
Wish granted.

Your worst ennemy breaks the door of your house to enter (yes, he's completely mad). Your wish works so good that you are killed in your sleep a few seconds after without having been woken up.

I wish nobody and nothing could corrupt my wishes !
Wish granted.

A guy named "Nobody" and his pet dog named "Nothing" corrupt all your future wishes.

I wish everybody who posted so far, gets their wishes to come true but, not in a corrupted way. :)
Wish granted.

Eventually, someone wishes for people's wishes to all be corrupted and then we get stuck because how do people's wishes get corrupted in an uncorrupted way?

I wish to be normal.
You become normal, but that's all you are.
I wish to be happy (I'm trying this the second time)
Wish granted.

You become drunk on happiness and explode.
Hey, being normal isn't too bad.

I wish to get everyone stuck in a paradox.
(That INCLUDES me, ya idiots)
Wish granted, and everyone is stuck in a paradox. However, it isn't a true paradox as someone figures out an answer and thus everyone continues normally.

I wish that someone would corrupt this wish.

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