
bugged puzzle (aZpEq) is bugged, or rather stockfish is. Rg2 leads to mate, stockfish doesn't accept and says it's a draw (until you actually play the (forced) moves). i want my 12 puzzle rating points back!
@pvater : The move leads to mate on its own, but in the game that it is taken from, Rg2 would have led to 3-fold.
oh, i didn't notice that, thanks. then i guess this is expected behaviour, although it kinda feels like a bug.
Either way, I'd suspect the puzzle in question will get deleted soon.
Screw this topic----the site won't take comments, won't correct its errors, etc' I am gone from this miserable place for good----too bad since I like Chess but not the crap these nerds foist on the world
#6 wont miss you! dont know why you are complaining about a 2300 puzzle as a 1k rapid?

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