
Dance for the Isolated Queen Pawn

This game I just played featured an isolani for black, the so-called Isolated Queen Pawn, which is a quite common isolated pawn theme.
See also here :
From the opening I immediately wanted to play against it (Like seen in games by Smyslov, Karpov etc.)

Thoughts :

Game (3 0 game, 1600+ opp. 1/0/0, 14 acpl) :
Maybe the square before the isolated pawn is more important than the isolated pawn itself. In Dutch: "stop veld", its like "stop square" (?)
Your advantage in this game consists not as much in the isolated queen's pawn, but more in the bishop's pair and the bad black bishop. 13...Bxd4? and 26...f5? are more to blame for black's loss than the pawn at d5.
13...Bxd4? For sure a bad move. But the Knight on the stopfield was still lovely.

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