
Feminist ideologists change another word!

@s2numbuq35i said in #10:
> Do you regard that link as an example of this absurdity?
I do. We shouldn't use "black hats" or "blackbox" because it "assigns negative connotation to the color black, racializing the term"? Come on.
@presumably said in #11:
> I do. We shouldn't use "black hats" or "blackbox" because it "assigns negative connotation to the color black, racializing the term"? Come on.
While I disagree with some of them myself, I appreciate the initiative and resource. I think the most relevant here is the "master" discussion. After all, we call the best chess players that.

They argue:
> Historically, masters enslaved people, didn't consider them human and didn't allow them to express free will, so this term should generally be avoided.

If I was involved in the discussion that lead to this document, I would put forth that this was not the first use of the word master, which itself originates from teaching and later the guilds, in which the master was someone who had proven their skill with a master piece. The word master was only later misappropriated by slave owners, who insisted on that title from their victims, but in my view that taints them and their practices, not the words they misappropriated.

About Black/black:
> Assigns negative connotations to the color black, racializing the term.

It's good that they provide their reasoning. I don't think using the word black in this sense "racializes" the color. The racism happens when you reduce people to their skin color in the first place, so again there is a misappropriation of a word by racists, which then becomes associated with that racism, until it is only associated with racism. Obviously when those who are referred to by these names, adopt the names as a nom-de-guerre, it becomes even more complicated. Still I believe somewhere on that path there should be another way.

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