

Never thought that the western media is so biased spreading half information with half truths. See the articles below- Western media have also shown concerns regarding wearing Saree promotes communalism, then what about the fashion which westerners wears itself?

anyways, coming to the first article you sent. Abrogation of article 370 and 35A have been one of the best decision of the modi government. The Regional Party Leaders have until this day (Till repeal of 370/35A) been enjoying many perks. They have been treating Kashmir like a separate country, and despite being Chief Ministers have been acting as President of that country. They have much more power than any Chief Minister and Opposition leaders in India and have been using this power left and right. The Centres control over them was much weaker. Kashmir was isolated. Nobody could settle down in Kashmir from anywhere else in India and so they would always have their vote base of “residents” who would be Kashmiri but also settlers from Pakistan. Because under resettlement act Kashmiri politicians allowed Pakistanis to reside in Kashmir, right at the time Pakistanis were allowed to settle in Kashmir the violence against Kashmiri Pandits increased and if Pakistanis will be allowed to live in Kashmir then it is obvious that slogans like Pakistan Zindabad will be raised. your articles says that what govt did in Kashmir was inhumane which was completely wrong since they didn't defined why the govt was forced to do it, but I would like to ask you that did these organisations or institutes showed how inhumane the Hindus of Kashmir were getting persecuted? Did these organisations made any kind of articles on racism and persecution incidents of Muslims in Europe and Hindus in all the Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, Dubai under the forced labouring under the Kafala system?

These leaders dominated everything security, infrastructure even foreign politics with Pakistan / Kashmir while our Government paid Rs. 88000 crore every year of our taxpayer money into that black hole that too for nothing, because Indians from other state were not even allowed to buy land or invest in kashmir under article 35A and 370. Who agrees to such idotic rule? Indians not allowed to buy land or do business or investment in the part of there own country? Because of this article 370 and 35A there was very less transparency in the J&k govt and central govt did not had any hold there, Kashmiri Politicians openly supported jihadi mentalities and terrorists organisations in Kashmir, in fact the abdullah family used to hold meetings with the terrorists during the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits. Do you seriously think everybody in Kashmir were living with harmony because of article 370 and 35A by blocking foreign investment, blocking numerous companies and MNCs to open there branches there and increase the employment and infrastructure? Let me tell you one thing, after article 370 was abolished the terrorist attacks in Kashmir have came down by more than 5 times. and the foreign direct investment got a rise by more than 2000%. More than 2500 Kashmiri pandit families were resettled in Kashmir after article 370 was abolished, plus the unemployment rate decreased from 49% to 20%.

After abolition of 370 and 35A central govt got the right to interfere there, and more than 3000 separatist leaders who wanted to make kashmir a part of Pakistan, from lawyers and activists to local politicians were arrested who were planning worst conspiracies against the country. For example the arrest of Yasin Malik, one of the mastermind of exodus of Kashmiri Pandit killing many innocent lives, He was an owner of a separatist party Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, unbelievably he was also holding ministerial positions. Article 370 and 35A were implemented with a plan that it would be removed in future, those articles were temporary.

In short, article 370 and 35A is abolished because the Kashmiri politicians are siding Pakistan and revolting against the Indian government by shielding themselves through that. Kashmir is an integral part of India and article 370 was totally discriminatory and it creates more problems than solving them. Curfews were done in kashmir after abolishing these articles in order to retain peace because the intelligence was getting many threats from the terrorist organisations plus many Kashmiri politicians were threatening the government by saying " Ab Khoon ki nadiya bahengi " you will understand it if you know Hindi.

I understand demonetisation wasn't a great success, but it helped in reducing the corruption to a greater extent. Why should Modi apologise for that? During demonetisation many other means were introduced by the government such as UPI so the economy shouldn't have faced any problem. XD a screenshot which deserves millions of views, must see.

NRC does not takes away the citizenship of Indian muslims, it is done to identify and remove the illegal immigrants coming from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. This should be done asap, do you know the smuggling of cows they're doing from here? and these illegal immigrants have also been a major part of each and every communal riots in states like West Bengal. In fact under NRC, even if you provide your electricity bill or if you bring a person who has Indian citizenship, he can be your witness that you're living in India since more than 8 years. if you don't have such basic info then how did you survived to live here since 8+ years without paying electricity bill or not having any friend/relative to be a witness? there are more than 14 ways to prove your citizenship under NRC.

what's wrong if the security forces took action against the farmers who stormed the red fort? it is not allowed to destroy government property and do riot, more than 300 police officers were injured by the violence done by the protestors. Farm protests was one of the greatest fake conspiracies to defame the Indian government. And this has been proved 3-4 months ago itself.

Security forces did not took any action on them until they went violent.

Now, Why was Farm protest a fake conspiracy to defame the government?

Because, according to the polls done by the supreme court of India, more than 86% farming organisation said that the farm laws were in favour of them. Rakesh Tickait, mastermind of the farm protest himself didn't knew what reasons can he give regarding how were the farm laws wrong. these polls came out around 4 months ago itself, and what's wrong in the laws? farmers got a place to sell there goods right after it harvests rather than going to the market and waiting for the buyers. farming organisations also stated that this also reduced the labour and transportation costs of the farmers plus tons of food could've been saved from being wasted. In fact, farmers mainly from punjab were active in this protest. Do you know after this law was repealed then these farmers itself made a 5km long que outside Adani's silo to sell there harvests whereas these farmers itself were celebrating when one of the silo got closed in Punjab? a complete hypocrisy. After these polls came out Yogendra Yadav, who was an ally of Rakesh tikait in the farmer protests himself agreed that they wanted to give a "clean pitch" to the samajwadi party during Uttar Pradesh elections so that it can win easily by showing the displeasures farmers are facing by these laws and people stop voting to BJP.
I am not able to view your 4th article.
@Jaysheelchess2009 said in #26:
> Never thought that the western media is so biased spreading half information with half truths. See the articles below-
Interestingly, Russians would say the same thing, and then they would provide some articles from Russian news outlets.
@InkyDarkBird said in #6:
> Not a very good meme since this can be applied to every other country as well.

Incorrect. Generally speaking, Australians are comfortable in their superiority, and consequently don't give a rat's about anyone dumb enough to criticise us.
That also applies for New Zealand, France and Germany...
Not necessary my friend, The news I sent have also shown numerous instances about the BBC, Newyork times and many other western media being biased. some of the examples it showed-

What's really worse is this- When India became the first Asian country to reach Mars the Western media circulated this poster everywhere rather than congratulating and acknowledging the ISRO for a successful mission at just first try itself.
I tried to read it, but it quickly becomes a vortex heading down a rabbit-hole and landing in a quagmire.
A masterclass in whataboutism wrapped in moral equivalency all coated in rhetorical hyperbole.

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