
Simple meal instructions

Lets share.

How do I make toast? Please tell it to me as if I'm 3 years old.
To make toast, one must first make sure that suitable conditions are present to ensure the presence of grain and one's own existence.

However, one must also construct a mill, which requires stone, wood and other resources. Therefore you must chop trees and quarry stone. Then you must have the required resources to operate the mill, such as steel and other materials. After that you need to figure out how to make bread loaves with that grain!

Then, one must procure a toaster, or make one. This requires a source of electricity to operate (another note to keep in mind), so one must have a form of generating power. This requires either burning fossil fuels, using biothermal energy, etc.

Afterwards, place your hard-earned bread in your hard-earned toaster (make sure to plug it in)! Then, wait for the toast to come up. Make sure it isn't too hot and then get a plate. Put the toast on the plate and proceed to enjoy your toast.

Be aware that after completing the previous steps, you may be too weak to enjoy said toast or to even enjoy a life of a decent length.
Go to mommy. Say mommy I want some toast please. With butter and jelly. Please..
If that doesn't work throw yourself in the floor and kick and scream until you get your toast.
@Hikaru99 said in #3:
> To make toast, one must first make sure that suitable conditions are present to ensure the presence of grain and one's own existence.
> However, one must also construct a mill, which requires stone, wood and other resources. Therefore you must chop trees and quarry stone. Then you must have the required resources to operate the mill, such as steel and other materials. After that you need to figure out how to make bread loaves with that grain!
> Then, one must procure a toaster, or make one. This requires a source of electricity to operate (another note to keep in mind), so one must have a form of generating power. This requires either burning fossil fuels, using biothermal energy, etc.
> Afterwards, place your hard-earned bread in your hard-earned toaster (make sure to plug it in)! Then, wait for the toast to come up. Make sure it isn't too hot and then get a plate. Put the toast on the plate and proceed to enjoy your toast.
> Be aware that after completing the previous steps, you may be too weak to enjoy said toast or to even enjoy a life of a decent length.

didn't know 3 yr olds were capable of processing that level of instruction lol
@Hikaru99 said in #3:
> To make toast, one must first make sure that suitable conditions are present to ensure the presence of grain and one's own existence.
> However, one must also construct a mill, which requires stone, wood and other resources. Therefore you must chop trees and quarry stone. Then you must have the required resources to operate the mill, such as steel and other materials. After that you need to figure out how to make bread loaves with that grain!
> Then, one must procure a toaster, or make one. This requires a source of electricity to operate (another note to keep in mind), so one must have a form of generating power. This requires either burning fossil fuels, using biothermal energy, etc.
> Afterwards, place your hard-earned bread in your hard-earned toaster (make sure to plug it in)! Then, wait for the toast to come up. Make sure it isn't too hot and then get a plate. Put the toast on the plate and proceed to enjoy your toast.
> Be aware that after completing the previous steps, you may be too weak to enjoy said toast or to even enjoy a life of a decent length.

You cant imagine a toaster that doesnt need electricity?
Kids these days only know electricity.
I wonder if hikaru can imagine a Toaster without electricity.
Put the bread in the toaster will all brute force, and slam the power button. Then chuck it out of the toaster. Boom.
@Passionate_Player said in #7:
> Put the bread in the toaster will all brute force, and slam the power button. Then chuck it out of the toaster. Boom.

Your toaster is toast.

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