
Team messages not working?

This afternoon, as the TE&K team leader, I sent a team message to the team. I then found that many players are not getting the message. I sent the message again, there are still players who didn't get it either.
What is the reason for this?
That's not the problem because some of the team got it. But many didn't get it.
@Betli said in #3:
> That's not the problem because some of the team got it. But many didn't get it.
Maybe the ones who did not receive the message decided to disable TM, or it's just a one-off problem which shouldn't happen again.
2*3 messages are sent to our team members per week, adapted to the Bundesliga rounds (about 10% of players do not request team messages). If a seventh message has to be sent due to some problem, you must be careful with the next message after that, because the system monitors for 168 hours.
In other words, the last 7 messages were sent at the following times:
1. 15.11 Tuesday afternoon (16:59)
2. 17.11 Thursday morning
3. 17.11 Thursday evening
(this is the first triple cycle)
4. 19.11 Saturday morning
5. 20.11 Sunday morning
6. 20.11 Sunday evening
(this is the second triple cycle)
These cycles repeat.

Today, Tuesday afternoon, 11/22, I sent out the first message of the new triple cycle at 14:17 (this is only the 7th message within 168 hours, so it went out, but incorrectly, many of our active players did not receive it.)
Due to the error, I sent it again at 14:35. (in principle, this was already the eighth message compared to 16:59 on 11/15, so in principle, 168 hours have not yet passed.)

- the problem is not that players don't ask for team messages.
- the problem is not that I exceeded the 7 message rule.
- the problem is that some of the active players of the team received it, while others still did not receive the message sent normally.

I will not be able to send the message again until Thursday morning, because then I will violate the seven-day (168-hour) rule.

What is the solution?
Hi Betli,
I experienced the same problem. I only send 2 or 3 messages a week to my team (, not more.
Some get my messages, others do not. I tried a second time but still not working properly.

I think this is a lichess bug. I have sent out a message two days ago (Monday) and people got it. Message on Wednesday many of them did not.

Any news to that?

Hi Flippsinse,

I have not previously experienced that the sent messages were not received by the team members. This means 90% of 1800 players, obviously I can't check everyone.

Since there is a Bundesliga round on Thursday evening, I have to send out new material tomorrow morning. I can only do this around 11 o'clock, because approx. then the limit of 168 hours/7 messages expires. Then we'll see what happens.

Since there were operational problems with Lichess on Tuesday afternoon, I hope things will be fixed by then.

Greetings: Betli, Team Entwicklung & Kompensation team leader
Unfortunately, the team messages do not go out on Thursday morning either.

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