
Could this Guy be 2752 Fide Rating?

@aVague said in #1:
> like in his profile says? I doubt it, BUT, he is 1800 here , but he won higest rated played 2200 (almost first 5 there are 2200) , so maybe there is something special about it
In atomic i won with a 2200 player.
It's not that i am better than him but the other person must have made a blunder or he was overconfident or the other player has trained more.
@The_Fatal_Flame said in #10:
> Maybe sandbagging or something. but not sure. Anyway it can happen.
yes I ve agreed, but found strange anyway
@CSAIJAGRUTH said in #12:
> In atomic i won with a 2200 player.
> It's not that i am better than him but the other person must have made a blunder or he was overconfident or the other player has trained more.
Yes, but he won not just once, his top beated players are all around 2200
@aVague said in #17:
> Yes, but he won not just once, his top beated players are all around 2200
Once again but this time probably used computer that is a thing which could have happend.
@aVague said in #17:
> Yes, but he won not just once, his top beated players are all around 2200

All of my top games are against 2100s. My rating in blitz is inaccurate, ig im somewhere around 1900 blitz but at the time i hadnt played in a long time and was 1100. when i entered tournaments a good 90% above 1600 berserked or played some dumb opening which led to me winning like 70%. so that stat isnt really suspicious

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