
9200 food items with now banned red dye #3 in them on shelves in America.

@NeuralGnat said in #10:
> Maybe the glyphosate issue should be the next domino to fall, although I'm sure that would be a much tougher nut to crack, since it affects all agricultural plants.

Maybe. There is much to address on this subject. All in good time. It's a big change to have actual advocates FOR the people in the government, so I am optimistic, finally.
I'll say it yet again, if the people want to take back power from "the government", they MUST begin with an overt action that the "government", that is, the two party system CANNOT ignore or lie about.

The voting citizenry need only withdraw their overt support for the two party system by changing their voting status to "unaffiliated". If this happened enmasse, the message to the establishment would be unmistakeable and the strongest, most visible flex of the "power of the people" since the revolution itself.

The entire world would sit up and be on notice.

I say we do it.
it's the lowest impact, most peaceful revolution that we the people can attempt. I say we do it.
it could be done as a flash mob. All on the same day

Think about it. This is doable. We are mere herd animals if we don't seize the day.
LOL. Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the establishment would be EPIC and worth the price of admission, for sure
Are we free americans, or "affiliated" americans. I think it's time to choose.
@NeuralGnat said in #6:
> That wouldn't fit the agenda. Cereal is plant based, so they can't touch that.
> Banning Red dye #3 is a good start, although it's a bit discouraging to know that the food companies still are allowed 2 years to comply, and the pharma companies get 3 years to comply. By the way, this change only came about due to the efforts of Vani Hari (just a regular U.S. citizen who decided to make a lot of noise) and RFK Jr.
> The Red dye #3 issue is only a drop in the bucket. Much more needs to be done regarding our nutrition. It's not going to be easy, because the food/pharma lobbyists are going to push back hard.
Yeah ban red 40 and Doritos will go jelly beans will go and much møřę
@FairSincereGirl said in #17:
> Yeah ban red 40 and Doritos will go jelly beans will go and much møřę

I think they're still trying to determine whether Red 40 causes cancer. Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. Regardless, even if Red 40 is banned in the future, the food manufacturers would just find substitute colorings. Frito Lay won't stop selling Doritos, there's too much profit in it.
Dang, a little problem with the sausage I usually buy. It hasn't been available recently, so I had to go to my #2 backup brand - which has Red Dye #3. So, I'm trying to find a new #2 backup. I found two brands that should work.
What do you mean they banned red dye? Do you mean they banned the dye used to make food red and still edible(A.K.A food colouring)?