
Should white play in the center with e4?

we all learn that center control is important, but i always seem to lose my pawns when i put them on d4 and e4 and my opponent attacks them from the side, is whites pawn better on e3 or e4 here?

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Generally speaking pawns are best at e4 and d4. These should then be supported by either pawns at c3, f3 or even better knights at c3 and f3, otherwise d2, e2, bishops at e3, d3 or g2, b2, rooks at e1, d1, queen at c2/d2/e2.
So generally speaking it is better at e4 than at e3, but it should be supported by pieces and/or pawns.
In many openings where white starts with 1 d4, the e-pawn goes first to e3, mostly because black controls square e4 with ...Nf6 and/or ...d5 and/or ...f5. It usually goes to e4 later in the game.
@klaskeren2 #1
If you lose your center pawns, then I would suggest :
1) Making sure your pawns and pieces are properly protected
2) playing some more closed position openings.
e.g. 1.Nf3 or 1.b3 or 1.g3 or 1.e3 or 1.c3.
See how you like that. It might be a refreshing eye opener, or a rocket boost towards better chess results for you.
(I like to play 1.e3 myself every now and then, pretending a mouse slip of e4. After that white can go for b2b3 or f2f4, depending on how black responds).

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