
Defensive tactic

Usually, puzzles help us training to find the right move, but there is no problem to avoid tactical traps or to detect them.
This kind of problem being solved if the move avoiding the loss of a piece or a mat is found.
do you know exercises of this style ?
(i hope i'm clear enough for my request !)
You can utilize puzzles in this manner - just flip the board. Once you solve a tactic or can spot a combination, play as the opposite side and figure out how to defend against the threat.
actually, most puzzles show how take advantage in a specific position. puzzles are not made to learn to defend properly a losing position. i think you need to study actual games for that (yours are the best).
In the first place defense in chess is mainly about predicting in advance what the oponent want to do. Experience and knowledge of paterns help with it
I agree with you, but puzzle is a good training when we are the winner but do not help us to see tactics from the bad side. May be a matter of visualisation

#VertSangBleu : il ne s'agit pas de défendre une position perdante, mais bien d'anticiper un coup tactique qui rendrait une position probablement égale en une position perdante. On s'est tous fait avoir (enfin en ce qui me concerne !) quand, après avoir joué ce qu'on pensait être le coup de la mort, l'adversaire nous plante une belle banderille.
Learning offensive tactics actually helps with your defense to the same tactics believe it or not. If you took a person who played a lot of games as white against the Sicilian but never played the Sicilian himself... Then one day they played the Sicilian as black they would soon realize... Holy crap I know how to play this opening as black too!
Also I want to add that A LOT of puzzles are defensive by nature as well. It's usually 1 move to be winning or even & the rest are losing.

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