
Why are Chess Captchas so easy!?

I don't understand...
I want them to be something like a puzzle!
Maybe check out:
Captchas shouldn't be too hard - if they were, beginners probably would have a hard time asking questions in the forums, and that wouldn't be fair, now would it?
@george_mcgeorge said in #2:
> Maybe check out:
> Captchas shouldn't be too hard - if they were, beginners probably would have a hard time asking questions in the forums, and that wouldn't be fair, now would it?

That's why the help links exist.
I guess this website is to learn chess, so...
posting in forums needs to be related to chess...
@YuetongMax said in #5:
> I guess this website is to learn chess, so...
> posting in forums needs to be related to chess...
But who does that anymore... logic has disappeared on Planet Cheese.
Lmao the the lichess captchas don't even distinguish a human from an ai unlike the lichess captcha claims to do.
Maybe a " white to checkmate in 8 moves" captcha would control the high volume of unnecessary comments
@Nzere said in #9:
> Maybe a " white to checkmate in 8 moves" captcha would control the high volume of unnecessary comments

I'm pretty sure it would encourage cheating by forcing people to use engines on the chess captchas.

Also, some unnecessary comments come from expert players.

Also, most long mates involve a predictable sequence of moves.

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