
Lot of cheaters here.

Also I believe that a game 0-0-0 is not enough proof to shout "cheater!". Any good player can occasionally get no-errors.
However, I repeat, I am very wary of users who have a bullet or serious blitz score (3-0) too different from rapid and classical.

Many users here play excellent games in rapid, for example, following the theory for 12-14 moves ... and then, going to see their games at 3 minutes or less, you see that already in the fourth move they play very badly, not they see elementary tactics, and much more.

And clearly it's not enough to say "I'm not good at playing fast, or I have a slow connection" to explain all this :)
The rare case may exist, the exception may exist, but it can not be the rule for many ..
The best way to learn chess is to play against someone better than you. So who cares if you face a cheater. Your blunders are still blunders. Your mistakes are still mistakes. Learn from the game and move on.
Yes ... yes observation is key; but more importantly unbiased observation; based upon an education of the topic at hand.
What you write is right. I would like to be wise enough to follow your advice. But you know well that a game of chess man against man, even on the internet, even for a few minutes, implies an emotional involvement. When you realize you're playing against a machine, your balls roll and roll and roll
If you want to not get caught. Get Shredder set it to about 2200 elo, and play away. It makes blunders, and inaccuracies, and you will never get caught. I of course got caught, but I got mad at being cheated by clever stockfishers, and went ahead and used Brainfish / Cerebellum, and went on a cheat rampage destroying everything in my path, and they got me. For those who don't know Brainfish is about as strong as AlphaZero at destroying Stockfish due to it's Cerebellum library which is one of the strongest (not just opening, but full game) books ever created. It is what it is. I have never lost a game to a cheating Stockfisher ever. Or if they use Komodo, I have a 100% win rate against that as well. My philosophy behind my cheating was revenge, and yes a few innocent people fell victim to my wrath. I am sorry to those who played legit, but not sorry to the cheaters I crushed. I will be fully banned soon, so what the hell, might as well put it out there. Real chess is played over the board anyway. Bye assholes!

Thank you for your confession. It's very interesting. On the contrary, your motivations are childish. You could also avoid the final insults.
There have been many cheaters who were “clever” and didn’t cheat in every single game. However, lichess usually finds them (fortunately).
Well. Interesting you tell me these things, but then it says you use chess computer assistance. At least I have the guts to admit my treachery, but you pretend to be legit, and tell people that a perfect game can happen. Blah, blah, blah. Well, I will tell you all something. A perfect game can happen if you trash some kind of patzer in a 20 move game or so. After that there is NO WAY you can play a perfect middlegame. Only computers can do that, of course I would know. I can tell you what the stats look like when someone uses an engine. If it's a good one like Stockfish or it's steroided clones, or Komodo, the Centipawn loss will be about 13 or less. Bear in mind this is a game past 30 or more moves. I have played with an 8 centipawn loss once in a legit bullet game, and it of course was over in about 15 moves. So now you know. Also take note that Stockfish plays an occasional inaccuracy, especially the newer versions. Which might not be an actual inaccuracy due to the fact that the engine is stronger than the Stockfish used by Lichess. Also, you might want to know that I feel I am an expert at catching cheaters because I have gotten away with it for so long with multiple accounts. On another account, I had to play in a tournament (not just 1, but many) before they finally caught me. Otherwise I was getting away with it, everyday for YEARS. Lichess ought to hire me to catch the cheaters, because I know what to look for. Usually the best way to catch a cheater, is to go into the arenas and cheat also, then if the opponent played an awkwardly close game to the engine, report them, and they will be banned. Engine games don't always end in draws due to the fact that people use older free engines, and use weaker engines to avoid cheat detection. Anyone innocent should get their rating points refunded. Anyway, this is the facts. This is what cheaters do, and this is how you know if you have played one. Have a great day.
Another trick is to play an occasional blunder, or second or third best engine move to bypass cheat detection. The proof will be in critical points during the game where the cheater might feel he is in trouble, and have the engine play through for him. They make intentional blunders in the opening, and the endgame, but play the middlegame perfect. Of course the middlegame is the most important part of the game, and if their centipawn loss is 0 or so during the middlegame, you are playing a cheater. They might throw a foolish blunder, or some random pointless move in the endgame when they know they are over 10 points or more in their engine evaluation. Tricks of the trade. You are all welcome.

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