
why we need a time limit on moves

People do it in rated games to me, then I just flame them in the chat. You want to play rough then you're gonna get rough.

But if you really care about the victory, then just premove or leave yourself, it's a casual game so it doesn't really matter. In rated game you should probably stay and see if he makes a last moment move.
@oldegeezer link to the game where it happened....or it didn't happen.
I have looked at your games sir. You seem to forget they are public record. You can lie to yourself all you want sir but you will not lie to me.

Show me the game.
Some things in life are dumb.

This is one of them.

The original premise doesn't make sense.

Lost perpetual check (draw by repetition, or, offered draw). Your opponent stops moving after trying to continue play. You have mate in one. (So, make that move and end the game, or schedule a pre-move.)

Don't look away and then claim your opponent stopped moving and something is wrong with the rules because you lost a game.

That's your problem you looked away. Not your opponent's problem. It's not a problem with the rules. You lost. Your opponent won. Cry cry, tear tear, whine whine, complain complain.

If you don't like the rules, then don't play, or go setup your own website where you can whimsically change the rules to meet your needs and field everyone's complaints such that results are rolled back to appease whims possibly against your own. (Or, your whims might change tomorrow when one of your own rules bites you in the arse.)

A win is a win, even if it is on time. Your opponent's time-management is his or hers alone, with time given on the clock for the game. (There are a couple of these whiner / complainer threads going about poor time management. We set time limits and various time constraints on games for a reason.) Just as it your own poor time management to look away or step away (go to lunch).

So let's just change the rules and require a specified time-limit for when someone must make a move ... because today we've got an "oh, poor me" situation.

You come here and complain, and, everybody shrugs. I'm shrugging right now as I'm laughing. And tomorrow, and the day after, I'll be shrugging because it doesn't matter. It's petty. For an @oldegeezer -- you sure have some growing-up to do.

you are confused

it was a casual game

i dont care who won or lost

i do care that he was trying to waste my time by not moving
and was so immature to think that if he moved at the last second i might be gone and he would
<< " WIN ? " >> in his immature juvenile mind
If it's casual and you don't care, what're you whining and crying and complaining about?

No we are not going to change the rules because you decided to leave for lunch instead of finish a game you started. Done. End of story. Grow-up.

Instead of proposing a time-limit on moves (asinine), how about we impose a time-limit on whining and crying. (And if you violate that limit, you have to go to the corner for a time-out and think about why you can't behave.)
Although I only play anonymous games...when I get an opponent who is just running down their clock ,only to irritate.. with a dead lost game, or only one possible move, or mate is in one...You know what I do...I sometime give them a lot of added time , if they don't get the message...I resign and start another game ...or I go to lunch. If you are playing under your account...just don't play them again block'em Like some have said ...A time limit on move time... could never compensate for the varied thought times any one player might have. :]
I'm .. just putting it out there. But if it's a casual game and 'mate in 1' and you are guaranteed the force mate in one. Who cares? You've won.

If your opponent feels the need to run down the clock in a casual game to win; walk away and accept it as a victory. It's not like it shows up and anyone running the clock down with a guaranteed force mate should be validation enough that you've won. I don't really see the issue?

If this was a common problem in rated games I could understand there being actions taken ( I believe on if this happens you are notified that the players account is 'being watched' or some such. But I've only had it when I first played a little there before switching to Stockfish for my games.) and there's a block feature too I guess might have to make use of it.

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