
Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?

I'm keeping the discussion more broad-based. It goes along the lines of chess being a solved game. Games in general?

Since chess is proven to be invented by a human, did something else influence that person or people to make it? Why not create something more complex that chess? Why provide a solution at all if you want to maintain curiosity?

If you think no one created this believing some other means, then site the source. If you do not know then welcome to the world of guess work until proven.

Did you win a game you should have lost? How about vice versa? The solution does not always come from a perfect game-yet the experience from the possibility of multiple outcomes.
@Clearchesser said in #1:
Why not create something more complex that chess?
Chess is an old game. Now a days, there are games a lot more complexed than chess.
If we disregard computer games, there are still other types of board games way more complexed.

But curious, what do you mean by more complexed?
Games with dices offers a randomness to the game, one which chess does not have.

Also chess is not necessarily "solved"
I assume you mean solved, in a way that AI can counter all moves and always choose a winning/draw option depending on who starts?

On another note:
This boardgame of Ur (old sumarian/Akkadian board game) may have been a predecessor to Chess?
Or an inspiration? Or even none related, but interesting none the less.
The game may or may not have been played like this.
Broader? Why are there solutions when there shouldn't be? According to my critics there is no solution to chess, magic, football, boxing, and the other games we play. Bigotry is not the quality of this magician; it might be yours though. I'm not saying I have won every game I played. You realize the solution is gaining experience for the next time-no matter the result. What is the last game you'll play-unsure if it matters after that. lo.

Thanks for the link too.
I don't understand your #1. Could you perhaps rephrase it?
Second hand puzzle with a couple of pieces missing is a game without a solution.

Also I don't understand your reasoning for using the word bigotry in #3?
Please expand you reasoning, to clear my own confusion.
if a game can be solved,it no longer will be a game ,it will become a theory,although people who dont know the theory to solve chess(be able to get a hundred percent win with the specific lines,moves)for them,chess could remain being a game,if chess was solved it would be funny ,For centuries chess was acknowleded as a thinking game,imagine chess being solved,you can beat God in a chess game
I'm not sure what your question is. You could look into the concept of cellular automata to get an intuition for how complex simple systems can get.
the universe and space have no definite end or solutions. there could be a single universe in the middle of the vacuum of space (and this vacuum of space would be infinite) or several universes, which is close to infinity.
Techincally, chess could be a solved draw, like tic-tac-toe, except that chess is too complex. Even the highly advanced chess engines are unable to solve it because how complex it can get, whereas a bot can easily draw in tic-tac-toe.
Obviously not.
There's only one God, so the assumption that there's "multiple gods" doesn't make any sense.
And what do you mean "create things without solutions"?!

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