
Issues with the Chess CAPTCHA

Is anyone else having issues solving the checkmate in one move CAPTCHAs by Lichess. I have to pull up an engine sometimes to solve them. Any guidance or coaching on it or do they only want higher rated players to be able to make post and report players.
@ImtarraschXD It's usually not too bad. On occasion, it is a little difficult, but that is just every so often.

And you have a 2325 puzzle rating...
you should be able to solve them wo an engine. you've been on lichess for a total of eight daze --- i'd give it another eight and if the captchas are too tough then maybe they're simply too hard for you. there are plenty of other chess sites and they don't use captchas.
@SavageAntarctican Thanks for the reply. Yeah I have a high rating because I make sure not to get any of them wrong. I spend hours on some puzzles unlike most so I can think deeper.

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