
Suggestion: Notify your opponent about playing a round (game) of Swiss tournaments

Good Afternoon,

For training reasons I started playing Daily Classical Swiss Tournaments (30+0) , and I have been noticing that many players when they got paired with another players they don't enter to the games (but they are online) and we must wait for them to run out all the time to go to the next round. Many of them are going to play other tournaments or games or simply do nothing and only appear online but absent in the games.

For that reason I was wondering if the system could notify the opponent 2 times: The first to indicate that his game has already started, and the second in case he is still not in the game, that he has little time left (like in correspondence games ) I say this because many times when I tried to imbox my opponents it says that they don't accept new messages.

However, it would be great if you could find the way how to fix this considering my suggestion, many times we must wait for those kinds of games to finish to go to the next round. We wanna play, not to wait 30 minutes in vain to go to the next round

Best regards,
im pretty sure they have like a 15 second thing in the beginning where if you don't move, then it automatically aborts the match
@mychessec2 I refer to the Swiss tournaments, on the first move if you don't do it on the estimated time, the time you have on the clock starts to run
Oh sorry, i thought you meant the classical games. But in that case, sometimes you just can't control it, if it happens super often i recommend just looking in the lobby for someone who actually wants to play classical chess properly.
You probably have to wait anyway, since it's swiss and some games will last very long, possibly even the full 60 minutes. But yes, if it is a smaller swiss it is possible that you could be holding up the tournament.
If you are 10 min late for a classic Swiss you should forfeit the game and the tourney must go on. It is reasonable to be 3 minutes late for appointments, but 10 minutes is not reasonable. Sometimes we join a Swiss and for 3 rounds sit and stare at a board because the opponent could return at the last minute and still time us out. You can play the next round, if you had to go to the bathroom, or kill a burglar. Please time out players after 10 minutes, on first move, in classical Swiss? Send them a notification would be a nice extra.

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