
Dad joke

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1. Dad: What is the difference between a piano, a tuna, and a pot of glue?
Me: I don't know.
Dad: You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna.
Me: What about the pot of glue?
Dad: I knew you'd get stuck on that.
2. Two windmills were sitting on a hill. One asks the other, "Do you have a favorite song?" The other replies, "Well... all my life I have been a heavy metal fan."
3. I got an A on my origami assignment when I turned my paper into my teacher.
yes i found these on the web
How does a coder avoid taxes? With a syntax.
What defines a hacker when he dead if he was really good?
Rest ...ip we could not find.
Someone sends me my password for key manager, I say thank you > I forgot.
Some dads have idiot kids,en example

Dad: i need to go to the airport at 6 pm
Kid :you mean the airport where airplanes land?
A fire broke out in a fruit depot, the damage is estimated in hundreds of melons.
Dad : I have set a dentist appointment for you, son.
Son : What time is it?
Dad : Tooth-Thirty

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