
Filtering by Connection

It would be great if when searching for a game, we could filter by connection - how many bars the opponent has. It's frustrating to play a hyperbullet game, play significantly faster than my opponent, then look at the clock and see they have twice as much time left as me. These games play much slower and require a completely different strategy.

Or, an alternative suggesion - put the players connection next to their name, so I at least know going into the game that I'm playing a lagger and can adjust my strategy accordingly. Would be easier than having to hover over their name each time to see their connection. Most other sites have it readily visible, and I think it would be a great feature.
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Thanks, I'll try that out. I'm fine with 3 bars, in fact I'm usually on a 3 bar. It's the 2 and 1 that cause me trouble.
I am happy I am not alone in experiencing this frustrating phenomenon. I wish Lichess would allow us to filter out bad connections. Playing players with 3-bars is like playing someone with an increment. It is unfair having good connection.

A script is a good start though. Thank you Beserk :)

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