
End position analysis.

I agreed to a draw, even though I thought I should not have.
I was willing to exchange queen's, if the opportunity arose. But I was hoping for my opponent to move the rook. But accepted draw, partly because of fear, that I might have miscalculated and would blunder it all away, but also because of repetitions of moves. (If I was black, I would continue to move the king, which eventually = draw, (because of repetition)

Two particular questions:
1: Does Black have another option than moving the queen? (Sacrifice) or continue to move the King?
Moving the rook would grant me the pawn and improve my position significantly. (I think my opponent knew this)
2: Was there another move I could make, besides keep checking the King? (Assuming he/she won't sacrifice the queen or move the rook)
You are 2 pawns and an exchange up. Just play ...Qg5.
Careful, the fear of loss is a path to the dark side. :D
Found 22. ... f5 intuitively. You have problems with no open lines for your rooks and weaknessess f6, f7, so you save the check on c1 as it looks more dangerous, leave the queen on h6 protecting the rook and close to the king and open lines. If you can see that 23. Ne7 is not dangerous its very simple. I like 22. ... Qg5 too, like tpr suggested, and would probably play it in blitz.
I don't get why anyone would accept a draw in such a position as black. Black has an easily winnable position up an exchange and two pawns. I thought maybe you were in time trouble but you still had 5 minutes with a 15-second increment. In such a situation it's okay to burn a few minutes if you are unsure of it, but you only used a minute before taking the draw plus you repeated once already so already thought about it a minute there too. One should not be so meek in a chess game.
Yeah, I completely missread the board.
Guess I was too focused on a particular move.
No wonder he thanked me afterwards for accepting draw :D
Well... Shit happens. Accepting draw was a blunder.
Thank you all for your replies.

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