
If hippos are river horses, then can you ride a hippo

@Mrchess78 said in #10:
> True, apparently the only animal they move for is the Elephant. :).

If the elephant politely asks, lol. They look so nice but you'd better not mess with something that's built like a tank and can get very annoyed when you push it too far. Even though you can't literally push it at all ;)
@Mrchess78 said in #10:
> True, apparently the only animal they move for is the Elephant. :).

I want one..

@ChristmasHums said in #1:
> If hippos are river horses, can you ride a hippo. Because hippos are fast as horses and eat grass like horses

Definitely, never do this.

>Armed with giant canine teeth, hippos are said to kill more people each year than lions, elephants, leopards, buffalo and rhinos combined. They can move at speeds of up to 30mph despite weighing up to three tonnes.

.. Too long didn't read // a guy had a hippo rescued from floods, since the hippo was 5 months old. . . And he would ride on it and took pictures (there's a lot of pictures.) But they weren't on the same page I mean they weren't friends like the guy thought, and one day he was dragged into the river and killed by it... So never ever. Be careful.

I mean, in places like some areas of Asia, they care for hippos really lovingly in zoos and things and feed feed them watermelons and all this. But they don't ride them.
Hippos kill approx 500 humans each year. Someone should make a law. If you ride a hippo, wear a helmet.
@Sweet-Child-In-Time said in #12:
> I want one..
> Definitely, never do this.
> .. Too long didn't read // a guy had a hippo rescued from floods, since the hippo was 5 months old. . . And he would ride on it and took pictures (there's a lot of pictures.) But they weren't on the same page I mean they weren't friends like the guy thought, and one day he was dragged into the river and killed by it... So never ever. Be careful.
> I mean, in places like some areas of Asia, they care for hippos really lovingly in zoos and things and feed feed them watermelons and all this. But they don't ride them.

I always used to enjoy watching "Tarzan" when he did his Ahh, ah ah ah, ah ahah a ah! and all the wildlife including Elephants would stampede his enemies in seconds, I just randomly recalled this when you mentioned wanting an Elephant, no getting caught in traffic any longer, simply walk through the traffic! lol :).
@Druismat said in #13:
> Hippos kill approx 500 humans each year. Someone should make a law. If you ride a hippo, wear a helmet.

Reminds me of toys we had in the late 80s I believe it was, called "Dino- riders", they could rebrand and have "Hippo- riders" for a more realistic approach to the idea lol,see if it catches on with today's youth. :).
I would NEVER attempt to ride a hippo.

Hippos are dangerous (but worthy) animals.

"The" hippo is a spectacularly fine chess opening that can be played by black or by white -- I've done it. I continue to do it.

Oh, how beautiful is the hippo opening. The very PICTURE of calm restraint and patience.

But don't ride one. Indeed, treat them with wary respect. They are not cuddly puppies.

They are awesome.

Here is a man feeding a watermelon to a Hippo Nagasaki Bio Park, in Japan.

And some joke but please seriously never ever ever get on the back of a hippo.

I imagine the person who thought he was okay with the hippo that got him (in South Africa) just never made the connection or understood. It's why it's so important to understand animals, especially those that are dangerous.

If you think you're doing something an animal likes, you may or may not actually be doing so.

Anyway not that you necessarily would of course or anyone here...... Just to be accurate it's very very unsafe.

And if you see the pictures, not to add insult, but there's not a super highly intelligent look... (Of the person who died by his pet hippo.)

In the above; this (and zoo feeders; I'm kind of guessing he's a guest
) actually do have a relationship. --

But still not one they would try to take advantage of to try to ride the animal I would hope.

And really I'm talking to everyone here..
You can also see the body --- on the man -- absolutely careful; slightly knees bent, very much so ready to exit vertically and horizontally should the need arise. This is a person who is aware of animals, and their engagement.
Hippos are more dangerous than lions. I wouldn't wanna be near one..
I get my enjoyment of Hippos from afar, very far, amazing animals, those Watermelons would be a human head in like 2 seconds flat, as well as being thrown around like a rag doll, why people show such disrespect to the animal by riding it or hand feeding it is beyond me. :).

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