
Any software to place the pieces as I want and know the best move?

Does anyone know of a website or application where I can put the pieces in the position that I want and the software tells me which are the best future moves? Thanks.
Lichess -> Analysis board -> Hamburger -> Board editor -> [set up legal position] -> Analysis board
thanks to those who responded. So far, so good, but now I'm running into another difficulty. I want to know Black's first best move and it shows me White's first and I don't know how to make the software show me the first correct move, from one position, starting with Black. Is someone so kind to help me? And by the way, any recommendations for some software that shows the best moves, apart from
Like others said above, go to

To switch sides, use the dropdown as seen in this picture.

You can switch between 'White to play' and 'Black to play'.

As to your second question, there are a lot out there. A lot of people use Chessbase, but I personally use Scid vs PC, a free alternative. I've heard about Lucas Chess, and there's others. Some of these have a strong engine pre-installed, others may have a weaker engine, if that's the case download Stockfish 15 from Search around!

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