
why people don't resign ?

Most beginners do that - It proves they are a beginner @Linspiring. Because it's reasonable for them . Its not reasonable for Carlsen to drag out a position a queen down
I can understand never resigning in blitz. Anything can happen there.

If it's a long time control game, and your opponent has a > 90% percentile rating, a lot of time left on their clock, and an overwhelming advantage, then maybe it's a bit disrespectful. It's unlikely they will step into a stalemate trap, and both players are better served by just moving on to the next game.
That's right, the lower the level the higher the threshold for resignation appropriateness. For example I've seen many young just starting beginner youngsters lose a queen and then come back and be winning by a lot and then be losing again and then be winning again etc.

But when higher level players do this that should know better, it's just sad. It's like seeing a full grown adult sitting on a tiny kid's teeter totter in the playground.
"getting annoyed by people not giving up in an online board game is a much better test of immaturity"

@david252525 Just because someone does something annoying doesn't mean you have to get annoyed by it. That's something that IS within your control.
@Linspiring I think a lot of chess players get this arrogant attitude like "I'm too good to play a completely winning position". But I've had hundreds of 2300+ players (some titled) fail to convert these positions so I'm going to continue not to resign.
I think part of the problem here is that we are talking about apples and oranges. I see by your ratings that you're primarily a bullet player, so sure if there's mere seconds on the clock that's one thing but you certainly didn't have hundreds of 2300+ rated people lose a completely winning position in rapid. And how do you define 'completely winning'? Maybe your threshold is lower.
For me 'completely winning' means a substantial material difference, like 5 points or better, and or +5 in evaluation WITHOUT sharp complexities, straightforward plans to win, and with no big problems on the clock. If we align our terminology, I suspect then perhaps our positions might not be so far apart.
Here's some rapid/classical games where I was dead lost and got a lucky stalemate because they blundered (most cases are against cheaters who turn the engine off after getting in a winning position). If it's just losing when being a clean piece down you mean, then that has probably happened hundreds of times in rapid/classical. Probably most by me lol

@Linspiring #28 Really? How bloody arrogant for you to say that an opponent is immature or unintelligent because they have the temerity to play on in a game you consider ‘won’ and that the length of time they continue to play on in a ‘lost position’ reinforces your assessment of their intelligence and maturity. Spoken like a genius. Perhaps you can publish a list of all the Super GMs you’ve taken to the cleaners especially those who didn’t resign early enough for your liking.

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