
Can a human draw Stockfish?

I was having a discussion with a friend of whether or not could Carlsen draw Stockfish once on a 12 game match on conditions as those giving on a world chess championship match. I would like to hear your opinions and any interesting data you might know!
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According to stockfish 12 is currently rated 3694. If we are talking about peak Carlsen (not saying he is 'declining', I am not going to open that can of worms), he is rated 2882. The formula to calculate the winning probablility when two people of Elo ratings X and Y play is 1/(1 + 10^((X - Y)/400)). In this case, X - Y = 812, so the winning probability for stockfish is 0.00924625196, in other words Carlsen would win one in 108 games. Personally, I think this is a wild overestimate of how well Carlsen would do. For example, if you change the so-called 'K-factor' to 16, as in the USCF rating system, we get that Carlsen would only win one in 279 games. Even then, I think this is still an overestimate, computers don't have off days, they always play at the same rating, so the Elo/USCF rating system is not perfect for this case, but still, the answer is no.
John Chernoff beat Stockfish 8 in a bullet game, I think Carlsen could easily draw Stockfish.
Stockfish has had alot of updates since 8, i doubt stockfish could tie stockfish 12, especially seeing as how it dominated leela 53-47 in the s20 top chess engine championship
Probably yes, as long as he looks for a close game and doesn't get into tactical positions where Stockfish can show his superiority, but either way it would be a battle of physical and psychological resistance on Carlsen's part rather than anything else.
As white Carlsen can draw Stockfish at Classical Time control. In both open and close games, there are many theoretical lines leading to equal position where players repeat moves or face slight inferior games.

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