
I lost due to time due to lichess restarting losing all but 2 of 20 minutes

I think it should have been aborted my last game In Swiss classical tournament I was very upset after thinking my opponent had stopped moving to find after refreshing after lichess had restarted that just 2 minutes left when it was someone much lower that I was on top of in the position and time now I had 2 minutes against 16 or something. It was outrageously unfair but I don’t know how to complain or register what happened no way should that game stand. Thanks
I think it should have been aborted by lichess rules
It was classical Swiss, 30 minute each game against mas435. Is there an official who can look into it?
I had 20 minutes not 2 minutes before the lichess restarting messed things up
So flagged on wrong time.
It should have been aborted according to lichess rules I read somewhere if the restarting of lichess makes someone lose in time
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