
Bernard Arnaut has a net worth of $211 billion USD, that's higher than the GDP of 143 countries

It's pretty hard to comprehend...
Here's another fun fact:
Bernard Arnaut earns $7B/year
So if he spent $19M dollars EVERY SINGLE DAY for 60 YEARS, he would still have $211B USD (if his income per year doesn't increase)
He has the wealth to prevent so many economical and social problems.
Do you think Bernard Arnault would feel better giving away his fortune?


Otherwise he wouldn ́t have "collected" so much. And you can be sure that whether his parents nor his children will socialise their money.

Rich people usually had rich parents and poor kids usually have poor parents. And if you want to stop that you get a socialist, communist and so on.

If rich people would be touched by other ones poverty they wouldnt be rich anymore.
I wanted to set up a self-employed business to find lost cats, almost a sort of bounty hunter who would look at “lost cats” posters to see if people give money.

the problem is that I don't know how to catch a cat without getting scratched

and that there are only dogs in the neighborhood.

I went bankrupt before starting, since I didn't invest anything.

I guess Elon Musk must have found a solution so that cats don't get lost anymore
@ElkeH said in #3:
> Do you think Bernard Arnault would feel better giving away his fortune?
He doesn't have to, but I'm sure he's tax evading like most billionaires do so in another way he is stealing what's the right of other people :|
@Achyut_2013 said in #1:
> It's pretty hard to comprehend...
> Here's another fun fact:
> Bernard Arnaut earns $7B/year
> So if he spent $19M dollars EVERY SINGLE DAY for 60 YEARS, he would still have $211B USD (if his income per year doesn't increase)

I feel bad for him because he is living in poverty
there is a saying in Turkey..Zenginin malı fakirin çenesini yorarmış which means ,Rich peoples money make poor peoples mouth tired,
@Rimac_C2 said in #6:
> I feel bad for him because he is living in poverty

is Rimac so rich that the Bernard dude feels poor for him?
Well, net worth is not exactly what he has, but what the market project he has.

He probably only has like 100-200 million, maybe even 500 in cash available to spend.

And many are benefiting from it. All the jobs he is creating.

If you were to spread his wealth to the poor, there would be no more work for his employees. All the chain of logistics, dead, if any resells his products, they wouldnt get any more income from there.

And everyone would just get a couple hundred dollars, because thats what you get when you divide money into millions of parts.
So, you dont mind destroying hundreds or thousands of jobs just to get about 500 bucks.

Thats greed. A poor mans greed. A shameful one.

And I dont know who that guy even is.
@Alientcp said in #9:
> Well, net worth is not exactly what he has, but what the market project he has.
> He probably only has like 100-200 million, maybe even 500 in cash available to spend.
> And many are benefiting from it. All the jobs he is creating.
> If you were to spread his wealth to the poor, there would be no more work for his employees. All the chain of logistics, dead, if any resells his products, they wouldnt get any more income from there.
> And everyone would just get a couple hundred dollars, because thats what you get when you divide money into millions of parts.
> So, you dont mind destroying hundreds or thousands of jobs just to get about 500 bucks.
> Thats greed. A poor mans greed. A shameful one.
> And I dont know who that guy even is.
His employees would be fine, he's not funding the company payroll lol

IF anything his employees would make a **** ton more and he'd still be a millionaire.

Trickle down has been proven complete BS

And no he doesn't have '500' bucks

Maybe its the funny math they feed poor people to make them think 'they're not that rich' -- but he/they have like 200 billion in stock options, which = 200 billion $ in leverage to borrow from banks which = 200 billion $ in cash or leverage for any purchase whenever they want, untaxed because it's a loan

Way better than having cash, they'd actually have to pay taxes on

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