
'You lost to a cheater'

Just got messaged a second time by lichess:

'You lost to a cheater. Refund:16 Bullet rating points'

Just wanted to say: Thank you Thibault! This is is an awesome improvement of lichess!
i opened the same topic 2 days ago.

i totaly agree, great site!
Yeah do have to say Lichess has really improved their all around mechanics for dealing with cheats. Used to be a semi-regular occurrence and now it's been months since I've run into any of them, and even when you do it's not a big deal - in short order you get the points back, they get banned. Great job all around.
I did about 16000 games on lichess and never cheated never! Some times ago there was a envious guy who used to tell me that he thought that i was a cheater, he accused me publicly! Now with that system all is more clear! i.e. never accuse noone and let thibault and friends do their own great great work thanks thibault and friends!
The script has been harder so when you code in an engine it gets caught almost instantly I've heard which is outstanding!

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