
I am on the verge of anger

<Comment deleted by user>
@KDMFan said in #1:

Premoves are client side only meaning only when you get the move does it get send to lichess and when it gets there then your time gets stopped and lag comp gives you some time back

if you want some help figuring out what we can do to improve it dm me
I just played some ultra and again it was a bad experience because Lichess gave lag compensation to basically everyone but myself
@KDMFan said in #1:
> I am raging about this, and it only happens to me WHEN I AM WINNING WITH LESS THAN TEN SECONDS. FIX THIS ASAP

I'd recommend creating a video capture of a game you play at a time when these lags occur. You will be surprised how often this happens even when you are not winning. Typically your clock will jump down abruptly let's say from 2:25 to 2:21 while it is (or seems to be) the opponent's move. Your own last move will be visibly executed on the board, and sometimes the opponent's clock will look frozen for a while.

Or at least that's what it looks like over here.
Is this relevant again?

I will close this topic and not the other one because this rant simply does not belong into the feedback section.
Technically I can neither help nor explain why/how this lag compensation failed in your case, I am a moderator - not a developer - but I am sure, that people in charge have read your post and took notes.

For now, I wish you happy chess playing - and all best! :D

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