
I just played chess OTB after 2 years and it's disproven the myth of needing OTB games

Very convincing demonstration. If you'd been practicing OTB chess for the last year I'm sure you would've hung your queen move one.

It's a good thing you avoided it.
Very funny, but I'll just answer that by saying that I never claimed that playing OTB would hurt your chess. Only that it isn't needed for improvement. Kind of sad that I should have to explain that.
@Linspiring That NM seems a little out of it idk. But yeah there's no reason you can't improve without OTB, that said I do find it harder to see tactics OTB than online because a flat screen is what I'm used to and I feel that it's easier to see where all the pieces are.
@Alice_ex said in #13:
> @Linspiring That NM seems a little out of it idk. But yeah there's no reason you can't improve without OTB, that said I do find it harder to see tactics OTB than online because a flat screen is what I'm used to and I feel that it's easier to see where all the pieces are.

Exactly so! In the thread that inspired me to create this thread I did mention that there is that aspect. Let me quote myself from that other thread
>I don't see why you'd need to play OTB games, except that it's a small disadvantage going from a 2d board to a 3d board because it's more work to process the visual information on the 3d. But that's not a huge thing.

I guess we could add a couple other small points like physically pressing the clock might be a tiny distraction to someone who hasn't been doing that playing online. I could also acknowledge that reading body language is a skill unique to OTB chess that would improve with practice. But overall in terms of strictly talking about improving chess ability playing OTB is definitely not a necessity.
Hey OP,

With all of your ranting about FIDE, you do realize that "National Master" is a National title that is not officially recognized by FIDE.

You know that right?
@LinearStork said in #15:
> Hey OP,
> With all of your ranting about FIDE, you do realize that "National Master" is a National title that is not officially recognized by FIDE.
> You know that right?
Hi @LinearStork I am the OP but I think you mean to address that to @ThunderClap. He was the one ranting about FIDE ratings. And yea, I had thought about adding that point about NM but my posts were already long enough.
@Linspiring said in #14:
> I guess we could add a couple other small points like physically pressing the clock might be a tiny distraction to someone who hasn't been doing that playing online. I could also acknowledge that reading body language is a skill unique to OTB chess that would improve with practice. But overall in terms of strictly talking about improving chess ability playing OTB is definitely not a necessity.

Oh yeah, plus dealing with being outside rather than in the comfort of your home, and lacking sleep from traveling or anticipation or whatever.

>I don't see why you'd need to play OTB games, except that it's a small disadvantage going from a 2d board to a 3d board because it's more work to process the visual information on the 3d. But that's not a huge thing.

I bet that once you're able to visualize the chessboard in your head, the format becomes less important, especially if you're able to calculate in your head also. I'm nowhere close to that yet, though.
@Linspiring said in #16:
> Hi @LinearStork I am the OP but I think you mean to address that to @ThunderClap. He was the one ranting about FIDE ratings. And yea, I had thought about adding that point about NM but my posts were already long enough.

Actually, @ThunderClap never once mentioned FIDE in any of their posts. They said OTB is the only rating you truly have, as OTB is what matters, which is correct.

Good try though, saying you knew all along when that is obviously a lie. ;)
@LinearStork said in #18:
> Actually, @ThunderClap never once mentioned FIDE in any of their posts.
He mentioned GM. Where do you think you get the title of GM from. I'll give you a clue it's not the USCF.

> They said OTB is the only rating you truly have, as OTB is what matters, which is correct.
Yes he said that. And if I spent enough money in entry fees and membership fees as he and perhaps you, have I might become brainwashed to think that way too. But it's simply not true. Ratings are only numbers, like 2 or 7 or -1 or π or 1049873098670983, they have no form or substance and exist only in the ether. Playing ability, something real that you can actually use, is the only thing that counts.
And I won't even dignify your calling me a liar with a response.
@Linspiring Yes the fact that you WERE able to is exactly my point, I'm saying that you applying your knowledge learned to over the board games from at home practice is pretty consistent with what most people believe.

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