
Girl problems

Agreed. Thank you everyone for the input

That's it for me here
@w2oli u can think in videogames or other thing i have the same problem but in school the love is something difficult, but choose the way your heart want, love or not love i choose love but i don ́t say nothing, im scared of the answer of her but love is interesting so... my answer to u is this: choose the way of youre heart wanna choose
Just let urself go. If it's love, enjoy it, if it's not, so be it. Her compny will be good whether she loves u or not. Be nice, be gentle, be patient, be a friend. Listen to her, resist the impulse to give advice unless she ASKS for advice. Girls like boys that listen. Don't worry about falling in love. Let it happen or not...
@w2oli said in #1:
> Does anyone have any tips on how to NOT fall for a girl you have to be in a summer program with.
> My friends described her and I might already be falling for her.

Tell her you play chess :D
She will never talk to you :)
now you are sufficient to write a whole philosophical book on "not falling for a girl"....
inspired by lichess friends XD
if u tell her she got a gyatt she will never talk to u agin and propably smack you