
perfect game..... almost

my opponent and me played the perfect game......almost.

chess is cruel ;(

Very interesting theoretically drawn line.
I must say, for your rating, I am impressed with the accuracy of your play. I mean, its an easy position to play, but still, good job.
thanks, yes its very drawish / equalish. I wonder why my opponent did not go for 14... Bx2. Things would have become more interesting after that for sure.
@blue_cactus I haven't checked the analysis, but Bxa2 seems bad for black. There is Ra2 and then the rook gets active on the seventh rank with tempo against the d7 knight. Also, d6 is hanging in some lines. At the very least, it would be an inaccurate move. I would never play it.
66 moves of perfect chess, the eval graph reminds me of the movie flatliners

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