
If you had to be a Disney character, who would you choose??

@clousems said in #11:
> Disney did the effects
Okay, I'll give you a pass in that one.
You will always be my monster from Id ;-)

On a side note, I love that movie, and he is great in serious roles, but am I the only one who has a difficulty to see Leslie Nielsen serious in his serious roles? I guess he was just to funny as a comedian.
I am always waiting for a joke.

Same with his first movie role (I think first?)
Where he played a police detective searching for a missing child. (Forgot the name of the movie, but inspired partially by the Lindbergh kidnapping)

I remember reading, he got the part in Airplane (movie), because he delivered every line during audition, as if it was not comedy, but a serious movie.

On a side note, as a child I loved Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura, The Mask, but can't stand the humor now, as an adult, but his work with serious roles is perfect.
Number 23, Always sunshine on a spotless mind.
(Same reason I can't stand Adam Sandler)

But Leslie Nielsen, I love him still. His roles had sarcastic humor.
Like I love Rowan Atkinson in Black Adder (season 2-4)
I used to like Mr Bean, as a child, but now only so-so, depending on the sketch.
Kathleen Kennedy. I think it would be fun to bring an entire franchise to ruin when I know next to diddly-squat about what I'm doing, and to be paid handsomely for it.
i said Snoop Dog but i want to change that,i rather be a ninja turtle
im not very happy with being a ninja turtle anymore so i rather be the famou.....
you know what i am sayin
Snow white I suppose, has good values and is not woke like the most recent Disney princesses.

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