
Player Reputation System? (Feature Request / Discussion)

Please, no. You want voting to be used as a weapon, because that's how you get voting used as a weapon.
"It seems that the problem of timing down on tournaments..."

Timing out in a tournament counts as a rated loss! What problem are you trying to solve?
The current tournament mode gives players a certain time to play as many games as they wish. The faster a game is won (or finished otherwise, but we are looking at the winning case), the faster you can start the next game, and thus can play more games in total.

It is extremely annoying when a player in a tournament, finding themselves in a very bad position or even just a few steps before losing, exploit this tournament mode and stop making moves and wait, forcing you to stay in the game until their time runs out. Perhaps in the hope that you will give up and leave, perhaps just to annoy you. I don't know. But the effect is very upsetting.

I am certain I've read quite a few descriptions of this problem on this forum, so I assumed it was obvious when I just called it "timing down on tournaments".

Anyway, my suggestion aimed to find a way to discourage and/or punish such behavior. Hence, to mention @PhillipTheTank, yes, use it as a weapon. A self defense weapon.
This would be open to abuse. Multi accounting to give negative feedback, getting your friends to do the same etc etc. There really is no need for it. If you sign up to a 5 minute game expect your opponent to use his time as he pleases. You cannot punish people for running down the clock. It is their time to do as they please.
#13 I'd suggest that such deliberate stalling should result in negative tournament points, if there is a fair way to enforce that.
@Toadofsky how would you determine between those who are using their time to try and think their self out a position even though it may be hopeless and those who are doing it maliciously?
Also even if opponents are doing it maliciously, it is not against the rules. You have agreed when you accepted the game to give your opponent the same amount of time as yourself. What's next, moderators forcing players to resign when a piece down? Nonsense.
My suggestion is if you are not willing to wait a full 10 minutes doing nothing then play 5 minutes. If you are not willing to sit for 5 minutes doing nothing then play 3 minutes. It is incredibly bad sportsmanship but within the rules of the game. Take pleasure in the fact that you have broke your opponents ego which Fischer said is the best feeling.

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