
Trolling is not tolerated in Lichess

This i got today:

> Trolling is not tolerated on Lichess. This includes deliberately disturbing
> a conversation or irritating people and/or posting unrelated/off-topic
> posts/messages in a thread or chat.
> Please note that repeated violation of this policy will result in loss of
> communication privileges.
> You can read our Communication Guidelines here:

Now, I know how to appeal, yada, yada. I don't care and I won't. In fact, Lichess can have whatever rules the owners of the site want to have and if they tomorrow create a rule that chatting here is only allowed for left-handed male pygmies who don't sit down to pee it is their right.

But to avoid "repeated violations" shouldn't I at least be told what the violation was? How should I know what to refrain from, when I not even know what it is? And since you "[don't] accept new messages" I cannot ask you in private chat either. You might say that one would know, but it is not always that easy. Here is everything i wrote in chat yesterday, you can read it (near the end) here:

> auch wenn ich Deutsch schreibe, bin ich doch kein "Westler", Towarisch!

> Wer sagt dir das, @Electric-Sheep

> @eshman123: which game? and where is "p3"?

> there are only 4 games

> @eshman123: how would you get 9000 in a statistical system which only allows numbers up to 3400? Have you won each of your games thrice?

> no, i don't - 3400 is two \sigma and hence the maximum

> *that* was a J-O-K-E

> ~sigh~ humor is the self-defense of the brain

> @Amogh_Saagar: there are several ways to deal with the world as a thinking being: become an alcoholic, become a cynic, become a terrorist ...commit suicide - or develop a sense of humor and laugh it off

> @spyputs: a native of Absurdistan

If, whoever "Lichess", from whom i got the message quoted above, is, reads here: what exactly was "disturbing a conversation" or "irritating to people"? My comments about the Elo system? Denying to be a "Westler"? My comments about the role of humor in ones life?

Or was it the mention of "Absurdistan"? I have to confess: I made this country up and it really doesn't exist. I sincerely apologize for this outrageous lie!
my money is on this

">+Amogh_Saagar: there are several ways to deal with the world as a thinking being: become an alcoholic, become a cynic, become a terrorist ...commit suicide - or develop a sense of humor and laugh it off"

or this ">+spyputs: a native of Absurdistan"
Yeah, I think the implication that people who take their own lives have a lack of humour or have the option of "laughing it off" is pretty distasteful and I'm not surprised you got a warning, especially if that was in a public chat.
>@Amogh_Saagar: there are several ways to deal with the world as a thinking being: become an alcoholic, become a cynic, become a terrorist ...commit suicide - or develop a sense of humor and laugh it off

def this, its directly in opposition to chat rules.
terrorism and taking one's life is not to be included in chat even as a joke
@Amogh_Saagar said in #4:
> terrorism and taking one's life is not to be included in chat even as a joke

First off, that was not a joke. Terrorism *is* a way of dealing with the world, even if not a viable or preferable one. The same goes for suicide. If this would be a rule you would now be banned yourself, just because of using these two words. That is obviously nonsense.

Second, it is in no way "directly in opposition to the chat rules". The chat rules are here:


Care to explain which part of it my quote is in direct violation of?

@Gingersquirrelnuts said in #3:
> Yeah, I think the implication that people who take their own lives have a lack of humour

What?? I have not said such a thing. If I was to say "you can get there either by train or driving a car" would i have "implicated the ones who take the train have no driving license"?

But, once again, this is not even my point. My point is that sending a message of essentially "don't do it again" without saying what "it" is, is kind of kafkaesque, no?
@Nomen-Nonatur said in #5:
> First off, that was not a joke. Terrorism *is* a way of dealing with the world, even if not a viable or preferable one. The same goes for suicide. If this would be a rule you would now be banned yourself, just because of using these two words. That is obviously nonsense.
> Second, it is in no way "directly in opposition to the chat rules". The chat rules are here:
> Care to explain which part of it my quote is in direct violation of?
> What?? I have not said such a thing. If I was to say "you can get there either by train or driving a car" would i have "implicated the ones who take the train have no driving license"?
> But, once again, this is not even my point. My point is that sending a message of essentially "don't do it again" without saying what "it" is, is kind of kafkaesque, no?

1. i am not going to take a prudential point about terrorism or suicide but they are not social accepted and since rules are based on societal standards, ur def getting an warning
2. u probably got yourself warned on the "Inappropriate behaviour" point
Dear @Nomen-Nonatur, I once hinted - well, how to avoid the bad word - kind of "self-harm" in a humoristic way in one of my postings here; at least I thought the humour was obvious. That posting was deleted in an instance. Just for you to guess what might have displeased them.
Hey Nomen-Nonatur,
I was mentioned here strangely, so I would like to address it briefly: Your forum post also qualifies as a form of trolling according to the definition of trolling (a troll is a person who intentionally wants to spark a verbal dispute or deliberately annoy others on the internet with inflammatory comments).

Personally, I think it's already trolling when someone like you names themselves after Jong-Un Kim (a dictatorial autocrat who leads his poverty-stricken country with an iron hand and repeatedly threatens other countries directly and indirectly with missile tests). This is done intentionally in an extra field meant for the voluntary real name.

I personally believe that Lichess sometimes reacts very quickly and does not thoroughly analyze each case before issuing consequence-less measures. The reference to not accepting trolling does not harm and does not have any restrictions on your account. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly and are bothered by this, try comparing your comments with the other 120,000 players on Lichess. I do think it's a shame that certain jokes about terrorism and suicide are made, but they simply don't belong in such a large forum. That reminds me of a joke: a horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" :)
have a nice on, lets play chess
Wow, so mentioning self-harm (not directed at someone) and terrorism is enough to get banned (or a warning)? That seems... overly sensitive.

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