
Could you please analyse this game?

Review by 1500 peon.

2... d5? arguably brings out your queen too early, letting it be harassed by White's minor pieces.

4. Bd3 by White looks awkward since that bishop wants to be _behind_ the d-pawn so the pawn can advance and control central squares.

5...Bh5 is probably better. This is because if White repels the bishop with 6. g4? then the knight is still pinned, in fact in an even worse pin against the h-rook, and White's queen would also have to defend the knight. In reality White would just suffer the pin. But it's not like 5...Bxf3 is bad.

6. Qxf3 by White may be better, still having to allow doubled pawns but at least not leaving Black's queen attacking the g-pawn. Then again, White can't immediately take that pawn and with the queens on he's entitled to Nc3 with tempo, so it's not clear.

7. Be4?? is a blunder, allowing an absolute pin of the bishop against the king. Qe2 is much better, and White should be happy with 7. Qe2 Qxe2 8. Bxe2 since his bishop should never have been on D3 anyway. As you spotted, ...f5 simply wins the piece now.

8. 0-0? is highly dubious; White castles into a broken pawn formation where his king is exposed and the queen can check him at any time.

9...Qxe4 is fine, but with Black's king exposed I'd prefer a more active move like 0-0-0 or Nf3 so that Black can bring pieces quickly to attack.

After 10...Qg6+ White could consider a survival plan like 11. Kh1 > 12. Rf2 > 13. Rg2, or perhaps 12. Qe2 > 13. Qg2.
11. Kf2? is another dubious move.

11...e5 seems a bit better since then White wouldn't have the defence 12. d4 preventing ...Bc5.

After 12. Nc3? Bc5 though, there is no way for Black to avoid being checkmated very quickly. Overall, I think this was more a game that White lost by continually misplacing his pieces than by any winning plans shown by Black.
You played well as black, it is the white play that needs improving.

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