
99.99% of people can't solve this riddle.

@Legend666 said in #20:
> If you "had" two feet, then you no longer have them, otherwise you "have" it
So I "have" two feet two years ago?
You are crazy!
@FC-in-the-UK said in #1:
> I had an egg.
> How many eggs do I have?

13 because you went to the grocery store and bought a dozen, knowing that you were about to run out of eggs soon.
@A_0123456 said in #22:
> 13 because you went to the grocery store and bought a dozen, knowing that you were about to run out of eggs soon.
Is I've managed to purchase a box of 15 eggs yesterday, he may very well have 16.
I have 17 by the way.
Those raw 15 and 2 boiled ones from the previous batch.
(@)FC-in-the-UK said in #1:
> I had an egg.
> How many eggs do I have?

negative 1
@Danialyazdani said in #28:
> dude ITS SO OBVIOUS! he has two pieces of cracked eggs in his pockets!
Bruh No its wud have been eaten by Rats

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