
Comments? Passive French Game

@hawks123 but it is a very open game and he will have the bishop pair and connected center pawns and me a knight in an open game, with pawns on different sides of the boards (bishops even stronger)...
If you play against an IQP too passive then you will get difficulties. For me it seemed that black had no clue how to play this position, but you had a critical position. The bishop seemed to be misplaced on d3, you couldn't get to d4 with the knight. You have an advantage in the engame, right. But to enjoy this you should survive the middlegame ;-)
If you can ever exchange the dark bishop, do it. Do never allow the pawn on d5 move forward. Keep control over e4 if possible (normally the knight will not go to g6 in two moves but to f6 in one move). Take care that not too much pieces attack you king. Lookout for rook transfers on the 6th rank, stop them if possible (if black plays a5, consider Ra6 and then moving to the kingside). Try to play more active, passive play will get you into trouble. If black knows how to play with IQP. Yes, it is a disadvantage in the endgame. But it has his benefits before.
@hawks123 yes but I am no engine. I need to be able to win it, +1 is only easy to convert if you have it in material and not as positional advantage, because that can change quickly.
Try to understand why is it +1. Look at master games with this position.
Don't believe that it is easier to play with a material advantage rather than positional, development advantage.
I would never take a pawn when i believe that my opponent gets compensation for it, given the choice to refrain from it. It is nice and easier to play with the imitative.

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