
a new variant

I always think of this variant where there wont be any order of moves like black moves after white, both sides can move pieces as quickly as they can or want to and the first one to mate will win, there can be a time limit like if the game isnt finished within 1 min or 3 min the result will be draw.
love the idea, just love it. if i may be so old, i'd care to make the suggestion to play it with blank pieces and when you move one you have to shout out what kind of piece it is, e.g. "bishopknight!", a piece that jumps like a knight after travelling diagonally for a while, or "queenking!", when things get dangerous and your king needs to skedaddle.

Just my trillion pence.
Yes, it's a specific type of Kung Fu chess. Although just one of countless styles, as you are doubtlessly aware of. I call this particular type GyfCGGh"#84gdsrep.

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