
Problem with downloading PGN files

Same problem. Using windows browser. Can use the file if rename it with a .pgn extension as chess_friend_71 recommends
I can provide a rough time when it started. I played 6 games on Saturday afternoon Australia AEST and the first 5 downloaded as a PGN fine after each game then on the 6th game there was no PGN extension which was odd. As per above I can rename it as a PGN and Chessbase reads it fine.

5th game 17/06/2023 14:57 pgn fine
6th game 17/06/2023 17:35 pgn nil

Take Care Be Well

el mismo problema no puedo descargar los archivos no estan en PGN
<Comment deleted by user>
I am facing a similar problem here. To dig deeper, I checked the lichess github page, where the issues are reported. I saw the issue and checked it was reported by @Brindosier , the same person who has started this thread (and I really thank you for that !).

I checked the log of the repository, and found that the code fixes were done and they got merged. My question is more of a technical kind. Does anyone have any idea how much time does it takes for the code changes done in the repository to get reflected into the website / app?

Maybe the technical team from Lichess can let us know about the same.


Hello, I've a problem when I download PGN files. No more extension .PGN, only "download" appears like name of the file. So I cannot analyse my games.
@Arnhem64 said in #18:
> So I cannot analyse my games.

Sure you can. You just have to take the slightly inconvenient step of renaming the file first. As noted by #8 and #11.
@mcgoves said in #19:
> Sure you can. You just have to take the slightly inconvenient step of renaming the file first. As noted by #8 and #11.

any knowledge of time frame until this and the coinciding study PGN hash file-naming reverts back to study and chapter titles filenames? just for our work plans with studies...

Or that in either case it will be changed back, eventually?

In study it is not just a matter of changing the extension.. one has to find the proper filenames that does not offend the windows OS for example, which lichess was doing for us, kindly, before, so we would not become hashtag IDs fluent by adaptation (kidding).

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