
"Fair time" tournaments

I'd like to request "fair time" games & tournaments, i.e. the time for the game is splitted between the players based on their rating difference, reverse to the expected result of the game.

E.g. for a Rapid game ( 15 min each = 30 min total): Player W w/ a rating of 2200 vs. player S 2000: difference is 200 points = W has an expected result to get 76% (ELO formula, FIDE arbiter's manual), so the weaker player B gets 76% of the total time & the stronger player W gets 24%. This could also be done for Fischer time clocks (w/ increment), when the increment can be done differently for the players. E.g. a rapid game (10m + 5s/move each) becomes 24% * (2 * (10m+5s)) vs. 76% * (2 * (10m + 5s)) = 4m:48s + 2.4s (W) vs. 15m:12s + 7.6s (B) (i.e. for 60 moves: 7:12 vs. 22:48).

This "fair time" modus could lead to "interesting" results, "mere mortal" players play with the gurus, & last not least, more fun!
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Would be unfair since all tournaments are rated. If you put the same rating on the line but start with a huge disadvantage, where is the fairness?
@Rookitiki said in #4:
> Would be unfair since all tournaments are rated. If you put the same rating on the line but start with a huge disadvantage, where is the fairness?

Perhaps to account for this they could do away with the rating point bonus of beating a higher rated player and do away with the rating point punishment for lack of a better term of losing to a lower rated player. This would go a long way to eliminating the unfairness you speak of.
And remember rating points in tournaments are not sacrosanct as people can beserk and give themselves a time disadvantage for tournament points but get nothing ratings wise.

This is an intriguing idea although only for a themed tournament advertis4ed as such, not regular ones. I'd definitely give this idea a go.
Yes, no rating adjustment for these games. Just play and keep your rating. The idea is just to have a time format that allows weaker players to play with stronger ones, and get more surprises. It's just that: more fun.
I like this idea. Obviously if actual rating is not on the line
This does raise a good theoretical question - can lichess help us figure out a way to fairly handicap chess games. With enough data, we could figure out how a 2000 player can have a 50% chance of winning against a 1000 player for example. And modifying time would be a lot easier, scientifically, than modifying material differences, such as "knight odds" or "king's bishop pawn" (very limited). Overall, it is interesting, theoretically, but it would require a lot of participation from very confused participants, so maybe not practical. Also I'm not really sure if it would solve a problem.

Personally, I've never been really interested in handicapping chess games, and doing so for such a large community where you can find opponents that are close to your rating, doesn't really solve a problem. It is a nice idea for local chess clubs where the players are of different levels.

Anyway, thanks for the interesting idea! Have a great day.

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