
Just so we don't forget...

@chesseater78 said in #19:
> Show me where he proposed this in the beginning?

I literally just posted a video of him doing it over two weeks ago. You think the war should continue? As far as we know he publicly did it 3 times during this conflict.

The fact is, you tried argue he never proposed that concession, and now you know better. So now like Putin, you show it has nothing to do with Nato for you. You would support destroying a Nation simply because they disagree with you. wow.
@CooloutAC said in #21:
> I literally just posted a video of him doing it over two weeks ago. You think the war should continue? As far as we know he publicly did it 3 times during this conflict.
> The fact is, you tried argue he never proposed that concession, and now you know better. So now like Putin, you show it has nothing to do with Nato for you. You would support destroying a Nation simply because they disagree with you. wow.

Two weeks? This "war" has gone for over a month already, in case you didn't know it....; )

And if i'd be Putin, i would just sit and wait for more concessions...; )
@chesseater78 said in #22:
> Two weeks? This "war" has gone for over a month already, in case you didn't know it....; )
> And if i'd be Putin, i would just sit and wait for more concessions...; )

Ahh yes , nothing so noble as waiting for a better deal as your troops kill Men , Women and Children.
@Mopman said in #23:
> Ahh yes , nothing so noble as waiting for a better deal as your troops kill Men , Women and Children.

He's just afraid of losing power, that's why he are beginning to give in. Looks like things doesn't work out like he planned...; )
@chesseater78 said in #24:
> He's just afraid of losing power, that's why he are beginning to give in. Looks like things doesn't work out like he planned...; )

Agreed , most analysis agree this invasion has not gone the way Putin had planned.
@chesseater78 said in #22:
> Two weeks? This "war" has gone for over a month already, in case you didn't know it....; )
> And if i'd be Putin, i would just sit and wait for more concessions...; )

Don't avoid the question. You think the war should continue? Why? I thought you said it was about Nato.
@Mopman said in #25:
> Agreed , most analysis agree this invasion has not gone the way Putin had planned.

Except the one who executes it, ie. the only one who truly knows what they are doing, and how well they are performing. And according to them, everything is going to plan. You can find it in non-propganda news, if you want to...; )

About Zelensky i'm not so sure, but it looks like he is beginning to give in a little. Something to think about....; )
@chesseater78 said in #27:
> Except the one who executes it, ie. the only one who truly knows what they are doing, and how well they are performing. And according to them, everything is going to plan. You can find it in non-propganda news, if you want to...; )

Please enlighten us as to your highly reputable non-propaganda sources.

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