
Who is your favoerite Streamer?

As an older guy I’ve never even logged into Twitch so this is all very new to me.
I don’t know if they make money off subscribers (I think they’re called subs) but I don’t want to waste my time on silly stuff.
Having said that, I’m curious who your favorite streamer is and why...
Thanks so much for sharing.

PS: sorry about the misspell in the heading but I can’t edit it.
I like Eric Rosen's laid back style and low-key humour.

And Anna Cramling in small doses but my ears can only stand so much.
My favourite streamer is Pepe (

He is rather unknown, but a very friendly guy, he is humble, never brags, has fun with chess, sometimes you can see how he has just a normal life like you and I, he has a wife as far as I know and just you know is himself, also a strong chess player and I played against him once while on stream. To be more exact, I love Pepe. I can't tell you what it is. I feel like it's a good mixture of just chilling, good mood, social contact (he reacts to things you write in chat), funny talking, just silence and education.

Stay away from streamers that stream all the time or show their pets, their cleavage or other irrelevant stuff on stream or have clickbait titles like "I will destroy everyone" or talk loudly all the time - those people really are all in for the money and waste your time. It doesn't matter if they have a title or not - when they do stuff like this they waste your time. However, if you find the streamer that you like, consider to donate a couple of dollars to them, as it's a lot of work to stream, they make most of their money by donations (usually the equipment is very expensive too). I streamed myself for a couple months once and it is exhausting to talk so much non-stop!

Also always keep in mind that Twitch is mainly entertainment. For chess improvement, get a chess coach or find a small youtuber that isn't creating clickbait titles about openings, but honest and joyful about what he does. Maybe you like my content aswell. I decided to quit twitch for some reasons, one of which is that it is slowly turning into Onlyfans. So choose your content creator carefully, then it can be a relaxing way of falling asleep, like watching TV.
@Oneiro_naut said in #2:
> I like Eric Rosen's laid back style and low-key humour.
> And Anna Cramling in small doses but my ears can only stand so much.

I completely agree. About both. I swear to god I love Anna, but when she talks a lot it gets unbearable xD Her voice is just so high pitched that my ears cannot do it.
I don't really have time to watch streams but his YT videos are great. No over the top reactions or clickbait and I like his teaching style. I especially enjoy when he points something interesting in the position or asks to find the best move because often it's not some computer line everyone can show but a deeper positional idea. He doesn't pump out analysis videos 2 seconds after the game ended to get all the views but takes time to understand the position properly. I always waited for his WCC analysis because it's just worth it so much more than other YTubers I know.

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