
Does sandbagging result in a ban?

I am considering resigning infinite rapid games to sandbag my rating so that I can make a video series of me "climbing the rating ladder". Does anyone know if this would result in a ban on my account? I don't think it should, but I just wanted to make sure before I started. Yes- I know I could just make a new account. That wouldn't be as cool as doing it on my main account though, in my opinion.
Sandbagging will result in temporary ban, I'm not sure how long, or if you will get permanently banned in the future because of that. You can try , but expect to be temporarily banned for Awhile. Hope this could help
Sandbagging is against the lichess rules plain and simple, best to not do so.
oof. Alright, didn't know that. I'll have to use a secondary account I guess then! What's up duke lol
Not much, nice seeing you here though, and I'm excited to see you climbing the rating ladder on stream!
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Secondary accounts aren't allowed, but sometimes tolerated (blindfold, anonymus account,...).
And you'll be climbing way too fast. If you win your first three games, you will be at your current rating.
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