
Average 2200 gameplay

Check out this average 200 I mean 2200 player gameplay
Black’s opening choice was interesting. Probably not many of those early moves were in the top 50 in terms of what the engine would recommend. I’ll give you points for bravery and creativity though. I bet white was out of book by move 3.
@Looby2018 said in #1:
> Check out this average 200 I mean 2200 player gameplay
crazy game I would definitely consider this to be a revolutionary game for the future of chess.
I may have to set aside whatever other chess material I was looking at and simply study this game for the next 6 months. The positional subtleties. Boris Gelfand should write a book explaining this to me, and maybe Boris Avruhk can write a book on black’s opening so I can learn it and play it equally well. We need the combined power of the Boris’s!! Absolute masterpiece. Fischer-Spassky 1972 Game 6 has nothing on this!
I actually have no idea what’s been going on recently. People keep playing really weird openings, and hey I enjoy the memes so when he started with a4, ra3 I couldn’t help myself, I had to join in.
@Looby2018 Even 2200s in bullet wouldn't play as strange openings as that! Both of u sucked in this game. Both u and ur opponent played like 900s. Hey, wait, how do u even be a 2200 while playing all these absurd openings?
Whatever, both @MrPushwood and @slownarrowattack are right, u really played extremely horribly, even if it was bullet.
@SwApNeEl1 *Facepalm* (you may want to read the caption of the game again).

Your comment really is one of the most horsey worthy post I’ve read. Judging from your post, it seems that you’ve never trolled anyone or been trolled in bullet. To my mind, the latter is extremely unlikely so I assume you are one of those who plays orthodox chess regardless of what your opponent throws at you which is perfectly fine but you have to understand that it really is a matter of choice and not a matter of right and wrong.

>How do u even be a 2200 while playing all these absurd openings?

Some 2200s play dubious openings exclusively in bullet chess and have a lot of success with them. It really is not that easy to punish opening errors when you don’t have much time on the clock.

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